As a college student, you’ve lived through dorm room experiences that were awful, hilarious, and sometimes even fun. You’ve seen way more of your roommates than you ever wanted to, and you’ve tried to study through the party going on next door. You’ve hung out with friends, stressed over exams, and cooked more packets of ramen noodles in your mini-microwave than you ever thought possible.
But all good — and terrible — things must come to an end, and the dorm room experience is no exception. You’ve decided it’s time to abandon the tiny double room and public bathrooms of your college dorm and instead rent a place with your friends. Easy, right?
Not so much. No matter how many classes you’ve taken on gender studies, research methods, and abnormal psychology, there never seems to be a class on really useful life skills. No one sits you down and teaches you how to pay your taxes, how to recognize when a car salesman is trying to scam you — or, in this case, how to rent an apartment as a college student.
Renting as a student can be a complicated process with a lot of technical ins and outs no one prepares you for. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to tell you everything you need to know as you begin this process. We’ll try to answer the most pressing questions you might have and teach you the top apartment renting tips and tricks to keep in mind as you begin browsing nearby apartment listings.
Don't Wait to Look for a College Apartment
Here’s the thing about college towns — rentals go fast. Really fast. Even if you go to a small school, think about the sheer number of students who are going to be looking for rentals within a few miles of the school. If you go to a large school, this becomes an even bigger problem.
If you decide to wait until a week or so before school begins, you probably won’t be able to find an apartment. And if you do, it will be one everyone else has already passed on — either because it’s too expensive, it’s in a bad neighborhood, or it has insulation falling out of the holes in the ceiling.
If you’re looking for an apartment to move into in September, start looking right after your school’s graduation the previous spring, when many apartments will open up thanks to the mass exodus of graduating seniors. If you’re looking for an apartment to move into at the beginning of the spring semester, start looking during the fall.
A great way to begin your search is to drive or walk around the nearby neighborhoods, taking note of which areas you prefer. Additionally, you can talk with other students you know who are already renting. If they’re going to be leaving their current apartment, they might just be willing to let you know or to put in a good word with their property manager. They also might be able to tell you if their property manager has other properties for rent.
You can also check for property listings online. If you are searching for a property lister near Penn State University, you can browse PMI's comfortable rental listings.
Decide on a Budget for Your College Apartment
Getting an apartment as a college student will require you to budget your expenses. Maybe you have already made a budget — if so, good for you! If not, this step is absolutely essential before you begin renting your first apartment. For many students, this is their first experience with budgeting. As intimidating as it might seem, it’s absolutely crucial to your success as a renter and as an adult.
Add up how much you spend on things like gas, food, textbooks, and other necessities, as well as any fixed payments like car insurance, health insurance, or any loans you’ve started to pay off. Designate a chunk of money you can allow yourself to have fun with — to go shopping, out to eat, to the movies, or any other activity. Decide how much you want to save each month.
Once you’ve done all this, look how much money you have left. This amount is how much you can spend on an apartment every month. Keep in mind that this figure doesn’t just include rent. It will also include any utilities that aren’t included in the rent, such as water, electric, trash, or sewer.
Compare your budget to the average prices of apartments in the area, and make adjustments to your budget as necessary. Determine which neighborhoods and which apartment sizes fit into your budget.
Renting a House or Apartment With Friends
You probably want to rent a house or an apartment with friends because it helps save money and allows you to hang out with your favorite people more. While this is a great way to rent while you're in college, there are some things you can do to ensure it's a smooth process. Before renting a house or apartment with your friends, consider the following tips:
Make Sure Everyone Agrees on the Apartment
Before signing a lease, make sure everyone who will be living in the home has a chance to walk through it or atleast take a virtual tour. You can even have everyone decide which room will be theirs to avoid confusion or disagreements on move-in day. Making sure everyone agrees on the house or apartment will help prevent any hard feelings in the future. It's also important to make sure everyone will be able to handle their share of the rent of utilities before deciding on an apartment. Some student housing management companies offer leases by the bedroom for student apartments.
Decide How to Split Costs
Rent and utilities are more manageable when you can split them between two or more people. However, it's important to decide how you and your friends will split costs once you move in together. It's a good idea to make each roommate the primary account holder for at least one bill and have everyone pay their fair share toward the expense to that person. This will ensure that one person is not responsible for all of the bills.
Additionally, if someone wants to take the largest room in the apartment or a room with an attached bathroom, they might be willing to pay a little more on the rent than everyone else in the house. If one friend primarily takes online classes and uses a lot of electricity throughout the day, they might be willing to pay a little more towards the electric bill than everyone else.
You should also talk with your friends about splitting grocery bills. You can keep your grocery bills separate and agree that everyone will take care of their own groceries, or you can purchase groceries together and split one bill. If everyone shares food in the apartment, splitting the bill may be the best option.
Set Rules Everyone Agrees on
Each of your friends may work different schedules, so make sure everyone can respect sleep schedules and keep the noise down when needed. It's also important to set cleaning schedules or expectations so everyone pulls their weight when it comes to maintaining the space.
Make a Checklist for Your College Apartment Visit
Picture this. You’re at an apartment visit, and the property manager shows you the coolest window seat you’ve ever seen in your life. You’re so thrilled by it that you put a deposit on the place right then and there. It’s not until after you move in that you realize the place has no laundry units and hardly any storage space.
It’s important to spend some time thinking about what you want in an apartment. What are absolute essentials that you’re not willing to compromise on? For example, you might need a certain number of bedrooms, or you might want to be within a five-mile radius of your school.
Next, make a list of the things you’d really like but don’t absolutely need. Some examples here might be a dishwasher, an extra half-bathroom, or a ground-floor location.
It doesn’t matter if your list is all in your head or a physical list you bring with you. Once you’re armed with lists like these, you can be more informed about your needs and wants when you go on apartment visits and tours. You can come prepared, knowing which things to look for and which questions to ask. You’ll never be so enthralled by a novelty feature that you forget your basic essentials.
You also might make a checklist of questions you want to ask every potential property manager. Some questions to include on such a list might be, “Are any utilities included in the rent? Are all the appliances in good working order? Who is responsible if the stove breaks or a pipe bursts?”
Visit Multiple College Apartments
You’ll often hear people say you shouldn’t marry the first person you ever date. After all, you don’t know who else is “out there.” How do you know the first person you’re with is the one if you have no one to compare them to?
Whether or not you believe that’s true, this principle is very applicable when it comes to apartment hunting. You might think you absolutely love the first place you visit. But it’s also possible you’re just overwhelmed with happiness at the prospect of having your own bathroom, a bedroom to yourself, and a kitchen that has more than a microwave and a mini-fridge.
You owe it to yourself to check out at least two or three apartments. Give yourself options to compare. Maybe it will turn out your first visit really was perfect. But either way, it’s worth seeing your options.
Don't Limit Yourself to Apartments
While apartments might be the first thing you think of when you think about renting, they aren’t the only option out there. Most towns and cities also have a wide selection of houses available for rent. There are also hybrid options, such as a single house that’s been subdivided into two or more apartments. Depending on your location, there are also options like townhouses or rowhouses.
Let’s look at a few pros and cons of houses vs. apartments.
Off-Campus Apartment Pros
- Fewer roommates are required to pay rent.
- Less responsibility for outdoor and household maintenance — a maintenance worker will usually take care of these things.
Off-Campus Apartment Cons
- You have to share spaces such as a laundry room and lounge.
- There is a higher potential for noise from neighbors.
- There are shared spaces in the building such as hallways and stairwells.
Off-Campus House Pros
- Houses usually have more space.
- You will have more privacy — for example, you won't have neighbors you can hear through walls.
- You will have a private washer and dryer.
- The lproperty manager will be more likely to allow pets.
Off-Campus House Cons
- More roommates are required to pay rent.
- More outdoor and household responsibilities, such as mowing the lawn and shoveling snow.
Pay Attention to the Whole Apartment Complex
Even though you’ll undoubtedly pay the most attention to the individual apartment you’re touring, don’t forget to look at the entire apartment complex as a whole. Whether it’s a multi-story apartment building, a row of houses split into apartments, or some other situation, it’s always worth it to be aware of how well they’re maintained.
Be Wary of Housing Scams
It’s unlikely you’ll encounter something like this, but it’s always best to be prepared. Because most property listings occur online, it’s only too easy for someone to grab photos of a random, nice-looking house and try to pass it off as a real rental they own. If you seem young and inexperienced, you may be a particular target for these types of scams.
Some warning signs of a scam include:
- Prices that seem too good to be true or are inconsistent with the neighborhood and size/quality of the property
- Endless excuses as to why you can’t visit the property
- Requests to receive payment before you’ve seen the property
- Odd grammar mistakes or broken English in the rental listing
Visit Any Potential College Apartments at Night
One of our most important tips when renting an apartment is to visit a rental property at different times of the day. Any apartment can easily pass as cozy in the daylight. The sun is shining, there are plenty of cars driving by, and there might even be kids playing in a nearby park. But no matter how much you like an apartment during the day, drive by it again at night and take a good look at the neighborhood.
If it looks the same at night, that’s great. But many neighborhoods that look good during the day become unsettling at night. As you drive past your potential apartment in the dark, ask yourself if you would feel comfortable walking down this street at night by yourself. If your answer is no, you may need to seriously consider looking for a different apartment.
Be Ready to Make Your Deposit on the Spot
As we’ve mentioned, competition for apartments near colleges is fierce. Imagine this scenario. You visit an apartment and love it but decide to take a day to think about it — to be sure you’re making the right decision. The next day, you call the leasing agent up and announce you’ve decided to take it. There’s just one problem: In the day you took to think about it, someone else snatched it up.
When you go to apartment viewings, you have to be ready to put down a deposit right away. If you love a place and feel confident in it, don’t be afraid to put down the deposit right then and there. Always bring your checkbook to events like these for this very reason.
When you do fill out an application or sign a lease, you may also need to provide copies of certain documents and information.
You may need:
- Your Social Security number
- Any previous renting history
- Personal references
- Proof of income such as bank records or paystubs
- Credit score — If you don’t have acredit score yet, you may need to bring information for a cosigner.
Talk About the Length of Your College Apartment Lease
Technically, a lease can be for any amount of time. Most commonly, though, leases are for one of the following durations:
- One year
- Six months
- Nine months
It’s important to talk with your landlord or apartment leasing office and discuss which option works best for both of you. While this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, many leasing agents and property companies will rent at a lower price if you agree to rent for longer. They don’t want the hassle of putting the place back on the market after only a month or two. That means they’ll often try to make it worth your while to rent for longer. If they don’t make such an offer upfront, you might propose it yourself.
Read Everything Before You Sign It
Yes, the lease might be 10 pages worth of tiny print and technical jargon. It doesn’t matter. You still have to read it. If there’s anything that still seems murky or confusing after you’ve read the lease, ask a parent, a trusted mentor, or perhaps a friend who majors in technical writing. Ask them to walk you through the document, and then thank them profusely afterward.
Thanks to the internet, we live in an age where most of us blindly click the “Yes, I Agree” box without even bothering to read the thousands and thousands of words in the terms of service. You probably do this every day and never think twice about it. However, your lease is different. You need to read through it carefully and know what you’re legally binding yourself to.
What is the penalty for breaking the lease? What does it say about late fees for your rent? What does it say about who is responsible for anything damaged within the apartment? What does it say about starting a business from your home? The list goes on and on.
Check Out PMI’s Rental Properties For Students
There are many factors to consider when renting an apartment in college, but it’s not impossible! If you’re going to school, have a summer internship or are otherwise interested in renting in Central Pennsylvania, we hope you’ll consider our comfortable rental properties in State College. Use our off-campus housing services to find your college house or apartment. If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you at 717-730-4141.